It’s time to have a look at what you might include in your autumn maintenance checklist.    

1. Check smoke alarms

The end of daylight savings is Sunday 3 April 2022. This is a great time to remember to check smoke alarms are working properly.

The updates to the Residential Tenancies Regulations took effect 29 March 2021, and require rental providers to:

  • ensure smoke alarms are correctly installed,
  • tested at least once every 12 months
  • batteries are replaced as required, and
  • keep records of the date of the last smoke alarm test

CEHL completes this check and keeps the records annually for households in Community Managed Co-op (CMC) tenancies and Direct tenancies (VicWide).

Common Equity Rental Housing Co-ops (CERCs) must ensure these checks are carried out annually in every house in their co-op, and keep records of the date of the last test.

To assist CERCs to ensure they are meeting the new requirements of the Residential Tenancies Regulations, CEHL has prepared “how to” guides and scopes of work that CERC maintenance directors can use to ensure their annual smoke alarm checks meet the requirements.

Please contact CEHL Asset Services for support via

2. Clean gutters and downpipes

Keeping gutters and downpipes clear of leaves and debris helps to prevent blockages and backflow of water into the roof. This can casue damage to eaves and ceiling plaster.

CERCs are responsible for gutter and downpipe management in their co-op’s properties. CEHL does this annually for CMC and Direct tenancies.

3. Prevent and manage mould

Preventing and managing mould is something that happens in every home and can be an issue at any time of the year. Renters and rental providers (landlords) both have responsibilities in preventing and managing mould.

What you can do

  • Where possible, leave space between furniture and walls
  • Open blinds or curtains daily to let light in
  • Open a window to ventilate daily even in colder months
  • Regularly use exhaust fans
  • Ensure any wet areas are wiped up immediately, including window ledges or windows which may gather condensation
  • Use an anti-mould cleaning agent to clean any visible mould immediately
  • Notify your landlord where mould is serious, persists, or appears to be caused by a leak or other major issue

If you are a CERC member contact your co-op Maintenance Director

If you are a CMC member or VicWide (direct tenant) renter call 1800 353 669 or log in to the portal to make a maintenance request

What your rental provider (landlord) will do

  • Repair any defects that are contributing or causing mould (e.g., roof leaks, broken exhaust fans, windows unable to be opened)
  • Organise a professional assessment and clean if mould persists – noting if mould persists due to lack of renter action the cost will be their responsibility
  • Contact CEHL for support to address the issue or if it appears the cause may be more complex
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