Project Update

Data collection has started for this project, which seeks to develop an evidence base about the benefits of the Australian affordable rental housing co-operative sectors. 

There are a few ways that housing co-operative members can take part in the project and the research team are keen to hear from you:

  1. Co-operatives are being approached to take part in time-use surveys. The aim of these surveys is to understand the work of the housing co-operative management committee across several key activities. Co-operatives will be offered a $200 Visa gift voucher to acknowledge their time spent contributing to the research.
  2. Tenant-member surveys (that ask about the experiences of tenant-members on an individual level) will also be released in early 2022. These surveys will be open to all CEHL housing co-operative members. There will be options available to fill out the survey online and in paper format. If you choose to participate in the survey, you will be provided the opportunity to enter a draw to win one of two $200 Visa gift vouchers.
  3. We are also seeking 30 x housing co-operative members to participate in a 1-hour interview. The interviews will extend upon themes uncovered from the responses provided in the tenant-member surveys. At the end of the survey, participants will be asked to provide their contact details if they are interested in participating in an interview. All interview participants will receive a $20 Visa gift voucher to acknowledge their time spent contributing to the research.

    To find out more about the project you can visit our website: or email Bronwyn Bate:

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