Training Advisory Committee (TAC) meetings on Zoom

TAC, the Training Advisory Committee was an early adopter of alternate ways to virtually meet and have embraced Zoom.

One of the co-op committee members shared that she was initially, totally resistant to using it as-a-way to have meetings, but now states that it is "the way to go"!

It is obviously different to meeting face-to-face but works well as a substitute. Yes, it can take us out of our comfort-zone but it is important to do that, "be prepared to have a go" when change is required. Added benefits have been her regular contact with grandchildren during this lengthy time of restrictions.

And her final words were, as an older member of our group and CEHL: "if I can do it, anyone can".

CEHL Training for Co-ops - Changes to Residential Tenancies Act 

The RTA changes are due to be implemented by January 2021 and we are all getting ready. 

During the week of 22-25 June 2020, five training sessions were delivered by the Co-op Development and Strategy Team about the impact on co-ops of the changes to the Residential Tenancies Act (RTA). 

The sessions were the first round of training that CEHL has delivered via Zoom which was a learning experience for us all! Great to try something different with both day and evening sessions on offer and co-ops from different regions learning and sharing together in each session.

There is now a new Training page on Have Your Say with the latest updates from TAC and on training for co-ops in the CEHL Program.  

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