All tenancies in the CEHL Program are managed in accordance with the Residential Tenancies Act 1997 and the Performance Standards for Registered Housing Associations.

All co-ops and renters in the CEHL Program are expected to observe the rights and obligations of renters and rental providers and to work together to resolve any difficulties that may arise. If a resolution cannot be found, the dispute should be resolved at VCAT under the Residential Tenancies Act.


All rental providers responsibilities for Community Managed Co-operatives CMCs are carried out by CEHL.


Common Equity Rental Co-ops CERCs take responsibility as the rental provider and are required to manage all aspects of tenancies including:

  • establishing and ending tenancies
  • educating renters about their rights and responsibilities
  • monitoring rental payments
  • carrying out routine inspections
  • resolving breaches of the rental agreement
  • taking legal action if necessary

CEHL offers resources, training and advice to assist co-ops to meet their responsibilities as landlord.

List of all available resources

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