Summer is the perfect time to tackle home maintenance tasks, big and small.

The warmer weather and if you're lucky, some time off work, means that there is no excuse for putting your jobs off.

This list of jobs will get you started….

Beat the bugs by repairing flyscreens on windows and doors.  You can take advantage of the cool breezes, leaving the bugs outside.  You also might like to treat your home for fleas, ants and spiders.
Get fire ready by cleaning gutters and downpipes, removing any debris, pruning back trees near powerlines, removing any rubbish and keeping your lawns mowed and trimmed.   CEHL Asset Managment Team contacted co-ops and members with homes identified on the Victorian Fire Risk Register as being at an extreme or ver high-risk of bushfire.

If you live in a bushfire zone we strongly recommend that all households create and practice a fire evacuation plan in line with the guidelines set by the CFA or MFB go to and 

Protect flora and fauna by mulching the garden and watering and ensuring there is sufficient shade and water available for your pets.

Manage mould as this can cause serious health issues.  There are a lot of easy-to-use products available, but it is important you follow the manufacturer’s instructions. For more information about managing mould read our guide.


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