May 2019

Local women leading change

The Victorian Local Government Association VLGA’s Local Women leading change campaign, was launched earlier this year. The campaign aims to achieve equal representation of women as local Councillors by 2020, the next local government election round.

The VLGA is encouraging more women and diversity for the 2020 local government elections. With the announcement by the Minister for Local Government for funding of $50,000, this will enable the VLGA to work with communities across Victoria in providing pre-candidate engagement and training.

At the launch VLGA President, Cr Marg Attley spoke about the important role that councillors play in bringing communities together.

“We are getting the message out there to rural and regional councils that it’s really important that young women, women of all ages to stand up and stand for their local council.”

Program members encouraged to consider a role in council

We know many co-op members have a strong interest in their local community, we encourage any Program members to get active and stand for their local council elections. We especially encourage our female members to do so, given that women make up 50.9% of the population, but only 38% of local councillors as well as women from a diversity of backgrounds, experiences and abilities to run for local government.

Toolkit and Workshop to become local government candidate 2020

The VLGA have created a guide for women considering running for council, the Local Women Leading Change Toolkit is for women considering becoming candidates in the 2020 local government elections.

June workshop for women considering to become a candidate in the 2020 local government elections 19 June 4-6pm 

For more info go to