The CEHL Co-operative Housing Program provides access to rent that reflects a household's income (assesed rent), It is 25 per cent of a household's main gross income.

Rent can be re-assessed if a household's income changes by $50 or more gross per week, giving security and certainty if circumstances change.

Rent is calculated according to the Household Rent Policy and in line with the standards set by the Housing Registrar

There are three rent categories:

  • Rent category How rent is calculated

    by assuming the household is receiving the minimum income a household of that composition would receive from Centrelink. It is the lowest rent that is charged unless an exemption is granted.


    by calculating a % of household income of all members of the household including any applicable Commonwealth Rent Assistance (CRA)

    Maximum (market rent) is the highest amount of rent that can be charged for a property. It is based on the rental price for similar properties in the same area.  Maximum rent amounts are reviewed annually by an independent valuer. 
    Read the Maximum Rent Fact Sheet for more details.  

Bond is not charged in the Co-operative Housing Program

For more details read the Household Rent Guide.


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