Each co-op elects a group of directors (usually 5-7 members) to manage the day-to-day operations of their co-op.

Directors are usually elected for two-year terms (depending on your co-op's rules) with half of the directors standing down each year.

In most co-ops, directors also hold office-bearing roles, taking responsibility for coordinating a particular area of the co-op's business. These roles may include:

  • Chairperson
  • Secretary
  • Treasurer
  • Rent Officer
  • Maintenance Officer
  • Policy Coordinator
  • Tenant Selection

In large Common Equity Rental Housing Co-operatives CERCs, other members may be appointed as assistants to these roles, or a sub-committee may be set up to spread out the workload of the particular tasks involved.

Smaller CERCs may also combine these roles, for example, the Treasurer may also be the Rents Officer (however, a clear separation of duties and roles is preferable).

Community Managed Co-operatives CMCs may only need to appoint a Chairperson, Secretary and Treasurer.

Co-op members work together

Directors need to work closely together to make sure that sound decisions are made.

Wherever possible other interested members should also be encouraged to learn the directors’ roles so that new people are ready to step up when a current director retires.

Remember to complete the Director Change of Details Form whenever you have a change of directors in your co-op.

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