CEHL’s Program Policies incorporate the regulations in which the Housing Program operates. Together with the Program Principles, they provide the framework for all decision-making. The policies are the ‘rules’ of our Housing Program.  

The Policy Advisory Committee (PAC) assists the CEHL Board with the responsibility of policy development. PAC consults with the co-op membership each quarter and recommends Program Policy to the CEHL Board for approval.

This is not a complete list of all Program Policies, click here to view the full directory  
(Please note: Documents specific to co-op membership require a member portal login to view and download files)

Policies listed here relate to the basic management of a housing association and are listed on the public website as required by the Housing Registrar.

Click on the links below to open the policy or document you are looking for:

Applications to the Program Policy
The policy states the acceptable use of CEHL rental properties. CEHL rental properties can only be used to house members of the co-operative and their household. Properties cannot be sublet, without the approval of CEHL.

Bedroom Allocations Program Policy
This Policy sets out how bedrooms are allocated to households when a new tenancy starts.
Every new tenancy is based on the current needs and composition of the household. Bedroom allocations aim to ensure that co-ops can respond to changing needs, make best use of housing stock and ensure affordability and financial sustainability.

Guide to Program Eligibility
A guide to support co-ops with the eligibility process for applications to the program.

Member Selection Program Policy
This policy outlines the requirements that member co-ops must follow when selecting new members.

Member Selection Procedure
This procedure outlines how member co-ops must select new members. This process makes sure that the selection of new members is clear, consistent, and non-discriminatory.

Property Allocation for Unhoused Members Policy
This policy sets out the ways in which a property may be allocated to a member co-op to house a renter who is currently unhoused.

    Appropriate Alternative Accommodation Program Policy
    If a property needs to be repaired or demolished, a renter may need to move out while the work is done. This policy outlines the steps CEHL will take to provide suitable alternative housing for the renter that meets housing standards, and is decided in a fair and consistent way.
    Breach of Duty by a Renter Program Policy
    This policy makes sure that breaches of duty by renters are managed in a quick, fair and consistent way. Any breach of duty will take into account the exact circumstances (events, condition and context) of the breach.
    Death of a Renter Program Policy
    When a renter within the Program passes away, the tenancy is finalised in a sensitive, fair, and consistent manner. The Death of a Renter policy and procedure outlines the responsibilities of the residential rental provider (landlord).

    Ending a Tenancy (Residential Rental Provider Initiated) Program Policy
    This policy sets out the process and standards for ending a tenancy where the rental provider (landlord) requires the renter to move out.
    The policy is based on the requirements of the Residential Tenancies Act provisions for Registered Housing Agencies, which require registered agencies to treat eviction as a final option.
    It requires rental providers (landlords) (co-ops and CEHL) to deals with conduct that may result in eviction in a timely and fair way, with eviction as a last option.
    Where an eviction is necessary, the renter is fully informed of their rights and responsibilities and offered access to support agencies.

    Establishing a Tenancy Program Policy
    This policy makes sure that the process for establishing new tenancies is consistent and meets all legal and Program requirements.

    Hardship Program Policy
    This Policy explains when the Program will respond to financial hardship experienced by people who are living in a Program property and are not Program Participants.

    Household Rent Program Policy
    This Policy sets out the way household rent is established, measured, and reviewed in the CEHL Co-operative Housing Program. It makes sure that these considerations are consistent, clear and transparent.

    Internal Tenancy Transfer Program Policy
    This procedure sets out how a renter may transfer within a co-op or within the Vicwide property portfolio.

    Member Selection Program Policy
    This policy outlines the requirements that member co-ops must follow when selecting new members.

    Neighbourhood Disputes Best Practice
    This guide explains the steps that rental providers (landlords), in the CEHL Co-op Housing Program should take to resolve neighbourhood disputes.

    Rent Arrears Program Policy
    This policy is to ensure that rents are managed fairly, consistently, proactively. This policy states that rent arrears will be found early and managed effectively to support renters' tenancies. By managing rent arrears CEHL Co-operative Housing Program viability is maintained.

    Tenant Damage Best Practice Guide
    This guide explains the approach rental providers (landlords) within the CEHL Co-op Housing program will take in order to prevent damage to a property and resolve any damage caused by a renter, household member, pet or visitor.

    Transfer Applications by Current Program Participants Program Policy
    This policy states how existing Program Participants can apply to be considered for a transfer to another co-op within the Program. This policy states that these applications will be considered in a fair, consistent and transparent manner.

    Transfer to VicWide Program Policy
    This policy sets out the circumstances and criteria that CEHL considers when a renter applies to have tenancy transferred from a co-op to VicWide.

    Addition Alteration and Modification Guidelines
    A guide to assist co-ops in understanding what property additions, alterations and modifications are supported.

    Property Assets Maintenance Policy
    This policy sets a maintenance standard for properties owned or managed by CEHL so they are well maintained, safe, habitable, and secure. Maintenance is carried out according to legal standards and good property management practices.

          CEHL Employee Code of Conduct
          The policy explaining CEHL employee code of conduct in the workplace.

          Privacy Requirements for Co-ops with Rental Provider Responsibilities Program Policy
          This policy sets out how the CEHL Co-operative Housing Program, and its member co-ops will collect, keep, use, and show the personal information of renters and future renters following Commonwealth and Victorian Privacy Legislation.

          Whistleblower Policy
          The purpose of this Policy is to provide an environment where wrongdoing within or by CEHL can be raised without fear of any disadvantaged.

          Complaints Resolution at CEHL
          A guide sets out how to make a complaint and how CEHL handles a complaint.
          Exemptions Program Policy
          This Policy sets out the considerations that will be taken into account when deciding to grant an exemption to Program policy to a renter.

          Program Complaints and Appeals Procedure
          This procedure states how CEHL and its member Co-ops will manage the feedback, complaints, and appeals process. This procedure also describes how information will be used to find how CEHL and/or its member co-ops can improve their operations and service.

          Program Complaints and Appeals Policy
          This policy sets out how renters and prospective renters can supply feedback, make a complaint, or lodge an appeal against a decision, or the delivery of a service provided by CEHL and/or its member Co-op.

          Submit feedback