Fun facts about co-ops

  1. Ownership and control of a co-operative is shared among members
  2. A co-ops purpose is to provide benefits back to it's members
  3. Financial returns from co-ops stay with members and are reinvested in the local community

Co-ops have a long and proud history in Australia and around the world.  There are co-ops in many sectors such as housing, banking, pharmaceutical manufacturing, retail and wholesale businesses. 

Do you know the sector that has the largest number of co-ops in Australia?

Sports and recreation represent the largest number of co-ops in Australia, you might be a member of one and didn't know it was a co-op.

Is your co-op on the map?

The Business Council of Cooperatives and Mutuals have created an Australia wide listing of co-ops across all sectors.

Is your co-op on the list?

Designed by Molly McLeod produced by The Toolbox for Education and Social Action
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