Have you checked your smoke alarms?

Daylight savings is Sunday 4 April 2021, this is a great time to remember to check smoke alarms are working properly.

Residential Tenancies Act safety requirement

The new residential tenancies regulations taking effect on 29 March 2021, require rental providers to ensure:

  • smoke alarms are correctly installed
  • tested at least once every 12 months
  • batteries are replaced as required
  • keep records of the date of the last smoke alarm test

    CEHL completes this check and keeps the records annually for households in Community Managed Co-op (CMC) tenancies and Direct tenancies.

    Common Equity Rental Housing Co-ops (CERCs) must ensure these checks are carried out annually in every house in their co-op, and keep records of the date of the last test.

    Support and advice for CERCs

    To assist CERCs to meet the new requirements of the regulations, CEHL is preparing “how to” guides and checklists that CERC maintenance directors can use to ensure their annual smoke alarm checks meet the requirements. This information will be made available on the portal throughout March and can be discussed with CEHL Asset Services.

    Contact the team via propertysupport@cehl.com.au

    Have you cleaned your gutters and downpipes?

    Keeping gutters and downpipes clean of leaves and debris prevents potential blockages and backflow of water into the roof which in turn can cause damage to eaves and ceiling plaster.

    CERC’s are responsible for gutter and downpipe mangement in their co-ops properties.  CEHL does  this annually for CMC and VicWide properites.

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