CEHL’s Maintenance Service Team have adapted how they deliver their service to Community Managed Cooperatives (CMC) and direct tenancies since March 2020 when the Stay at Home measures commenced. Urgent maintenance and safety related tasks have continued, such as smoke detector testing, maintenance in vacant properties and works to the exterior of houses. This strategy was adopted to reduce risks of COVID-19 transmission. CEHL’s maintenance contractors have been keen to keep working and continue to do so in a way that is safe for their staff and our members.

CEHL’s Property Officers have continued to deliver Third Schedule projects throughout this time – with a particular focus on work in vacant properties and to the exterior of houses. Where essential internal works have been required, such as bathroom works to prevent water leaks from damaging properties, measures are put in place with Common Equity Rental Housing Cooperatives (CERC) members to ensure social distancing between contractors and household residents. Contractors have accessed work areas through the most direct route and provide portable bathrooms in some instances.

Safety measures look set to be in place for some time to come. As we commence the new financial year, CEHL’s Maintenance and Asset Services Team will continue to work with members and contractors to find safe ways of delivering maintenance and upgrades to our houses.

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